By the people, for the people, of the people.
September 15 is the International Day of Democracy celebrated worldwide every year since 2007.
It marks the significance of democracy all over the world.
It allows people to make their own legislation.
Democracy is the most safe and successful form of Government form for any nation building.
Every year, the United Nations come up with a new theme and motto to embark the celebrations of this day for the whole year.
This year United Nations is emphasising on three crucial elements:
- Freedom
- Human Rights
- Free and Fair Elections
The hashtag that is being promoted by the United Nations for this year is #StandUp4HumanRights.
The democracy Index is an Index marshalled by the Economist Intelligence Unit. This index measures democracy on the basis of 60 indicator groups in 5 different categories:
- Electoral process and pluralism
- Functioning of Government
- Political Participation
- Political culture
- Civil Liberties
Each country scored between 0 and 10 in each of the five categories. After then averaged for an overall score.
The MOST DEMOCRATIC NATIONS in the world are:
Norway (9.87)
Iceland (9.58)
Sweden (9.39)
Your voice for your rights is what I call DEMOCRACY in simple words.